Cool Ranch Smoked Chicken Wings
These Cool Ranch Smoked Chicken Wings are one of my favorite things to make on my Pit Boss. They are incredibly easy and have two of my favorite things in life, Doritos and Chicken Wings.
- 1 Pellet Grill
- 2 Lb Chicken Wings separated
- 1 Bag Cool Ranch Doritos
- 1/2 jar Parmesan Cheese Cheap stuff is fine.
- Chicken Rub Seasoning
- Pat your chicken wings completely dry with a paper towel
- Lay them out on your prep surface and coat them well with your chicken rub.
- In a large ziploc bag, pour your cool ranch Doritos, zip shut and crush them as much as you can. The more the better.
- Add in the Parmesan cheese.
- Drop the Chicken Wings into the zip loc bag and coat them well with the Dorito and cheese dust.
- Set your smoker to 400 degrees and smoke these wings until an internal temperature of about 190. They are done at 165, but the closer you get to 190, the more tender they will be and fall off the bone. Enjoy!